A Chinese Hoax_ Investigation / Justification

Despite overwhelming scientific evidence (sometimes known as proof) that climate change is at least somewhat influenced by human actions, many Americans insist on believing otherwise.

According to a Gallup

pollconducted in March of 2016, only 64% of Americans are "Worried A Great Deal / Fair Amount" about global warming.While this maybe the highest rate of concern among Americans since 2008, (Gallup)  it is alarmingly small, considering the fact that minds such as Noam Chomsky and Barack Obama believe that climate change poses one of, if not the largest threat to existence ever faced by humans.  (Democracy Now and CNN)


Noam Chomsky, speaking at 20th anniversary celebration of Democracy Now, Dec. 5, 2016

"No challenge poses a greater threat to  future generations than climate change."

-Barack Obama 

Gallup Climate.jpg
Trumps face.jpg

In November of 2012,

Donald Trump shared his thoughts on climate change, and China, using his favorite form of media: Twitter.

President Trump's views

on the matter have been reiterated countless times, in a number of different outlets, including a vast number of tweets over the following years.

Trump's strange understanding

of climate change became a topic during the 2016 presidential race, and the phrase a "Chinese Hoax," was born. During this time, the Liu Zhenmin, the Deputy Foreign Minister of China, told reporters that American support for climate change action dated back to Ronald Regan and George Bush in negotiation in United Nations Panel. (New York Times)